Take a walk with your Higher Self

Most of us are familiar with the ancient mystical concept of the Higher and the Lower Selves and the grand, nearly impossible divide that lies between. In some mystical circles the Higher and the Lower Selves are also known respectively as the Permanent and the Present Day personalities—the perfect and the corrupt. This makes sense, …

Take a walk with your Higher Self

Most of us are familiar with the ancient mystical concept of the Higher and the Lower Selves and the grand, nearly impossible divide that lies between. In some mystical circles the Higher and the Lower Selves are also known respectively as the Permanent and the Present Day personalities—the perfect and the corrupt. This makes sense, …

What are you so worried about?

This may sound crazy at first, but I keep a Worry Journal. I do not keep such a journal so I can shop around for things to worry about, believe me! Like most people, I don’t need the help. I keep a Worry Journal so I can expose the worries that are subtly (or not …

Is there more than one Jesus?

Of course there is only one historical Jesus, born in Nazareth and crucified atop an obscure hill known as Golgotha.  But what happened after that is a Mystery with a capital M that has been, and is still being, pondered by the greatest minds and spirits among us.  This Mystery is the stuff of countless …

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